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June 30, 2024

End of Program Year

The club earned the fourth President's Distinguished Club recognition in four years.


June 18, 2024

Regular Meeting 92, Installation Ceremony

The elected club officers for the 2024-2025 term have officially been installed.

May 21, 2024

Regular Meeting 90, Club Officer Elections

The club officer elections were held and the nominated candidates were elected as expected.

April 30, 2024

Regular Meeting 88, Officer nominees for the following term announced

The Club Leadership Committee announced the officer nominees for the 2024-2025 program year. A Toastmasters club is expected to have seven club officers, President, Vice President Education, Vice President Membership, Vice President Public Relations, Secretary, Treasurer, and Sergeant-at-Arms.

Feb. 6, 2024

Regular Meeting 82, Club Speech Contest

This was the first speech contest conducted completely in compliance with the Toastmasters Speech Contest Rulebook. The previous events had been conducted with some parts​ of the contest rule adjusted, and thus as a "Speech Competition." This was in no violation of the rule because clubs are allowed to choose their contestant(s) at the Area level in a way the club sees fit.

This year, we were delighted to have our first Speech Contest with all the judges being eligible to serve as one.


Oct. 31, 2023

Regular Meeting 74, Moments of Truth discussion -2-

Members shared our views on the club's performance in the categories left untouched in the previous Moments of Truth session.

Aug. 29, 2023

Regular Meeting 69, Moments of Truth discussion

Members engaged in the "Moments of Truth" discussion where we shared our views of the club's performance in six major categories.

Aug. 1, 2023

Regular Meeting 67, Audit 2023-2024 and Budget Plan 2023-2024

Financial and Audit reports were finalized and the Budget Plan was approved.

June 30, 2023

End of Program Year

The club earned the third President's Distinguished Club distinction in as many years, this time earning ten points out of ten catetories for the first time in the club's history.

20230415-President's Distinguished 2022-2023.png

June 20, 2023

Regular Meeting 64, Club Officer Installation Ceremony:

The seven elected club officers for the 2023-2024 program year have been installed.



May 30, 2023

Regular Meeting 62, Written Evaluation Special:

We reviewed and learn the criteria for numerical ratings on the written evaluation form.


May 9, 2023

Regular Meeting 60, Club Officer Election:

All seven nominated candidates have been elected to their respective roles.


April 4, 2023

Regular Meeting 58, Announcement of officer nominees:

An announcement of the club officer candidates for the term from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, was made.



February 7, 2023

Regular Meeting 54, Club Speech Competition:

Following in part the rules of the International Speech Contest, a competition was held to allow members to experience what a speech contest is like.



January 17, 2023

Regular Meeting 52, Judges Training:

In preparation for the upcoming Speech Competition.



December 20, 2022

Regular Meeting 50:

We held our 50th regular meeting 21 months after our first one.



November 16, 2022

Japanese Evaluation Practice Session:

A specially arranged practice session for the Division K Evaluation Contest contestants for a member representing another club he belongs to.



November 14, 2022

Special member-only event with Nishinomiya TGIF:

A specially arranged practice session for members only to practice evaluation speeches with members of our sponsor club, Nishinomiya TGIF



October 29, 2022

Area F-3 Evaluation Contest:

Some members participated in the Area F-3 Evaluation Contest as contestants, contest officials, and audience members.



October 11, 2022

Evaluation Contest Practice Session:

A specially arranged practice session for the Area F-3 Evaluation Contest contestants.



September 20, 2022

Regular Meeting 43 (Evaluation Contest Contestant Selection):

We held an event as part of this regular meeting to select our representatives to compete in the Area F-3 Evaluation Contest. We decided not to hold the official club contest, but rather held an educational event where everybody in attendance except the competitors themselves voted for the best evaluator. The two winners will be competing in the Area F-3 Evaluation Contest to be held online on October 29.



August 30, 2022

Regular Meeting 41(Evaluation Workshop):

As District 76 (a group Shin-Osaka Leaders belongs to) decided to hold Evaluation Contests this program year, we held a workshop dedicated to evaluation speeches.

June 30, 2022

Club achieved the President's Distinguished Club recognition two years in a row.


June 28, 2022

Executive Committee Meeting:

We held our first ever regularly scheduled Executive Committee Meeting. So far, we have not held executive committee meetings on a regular basis as the officers have always been communicating with each other using online platforms. The new president, Yuki, decided to go back to the basics and hold them on the last Tuesday of the month.



With one of the officers having to cancel their appointment due to personal reasons, five officers will be leading the club with two of them serving in two roles each.


June 21, 2022

Regular Meeting 36:

We held the installation ceremony of the elected officers. The incoming President Yuki made a few remarks for the coming program year.



May 10, 2022

Regular Meeting 32:

We held the officer election to choose the members to lead the club in the 2022-2023 program year (from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023). We selected six members to lead the club with one officer role, Treasurer, vacant. The nominee of the Treasurer had to withdraw their acceptance for nomination due to personal reasons.



April 5, 2022

Regular meeting 30:

This marked the first hybrid meeting in three months after COVID-19 had prevented us from meeting in person.



February 1, 2022

Regular Meeting 25:

Club Speech Competition to select the representatives to compete in the Area 63 International Speech Contest.



January 24, 2022

One-year Anniversary

We did not hold any commemorative event because it has only been a year and we see it as part of the process of making the club a better place for all to learn and grow while having fun. We looked back on the 24 meetings we had over the course of a year and will move ahead.




October 5, 2021

Regular Meeting 16:

Open to guest attendance for the first time in three months.



September 28, 2021

Third Special Event:

We worked on reducing our fillers in breakout sessions enjoying impromptu speeches, which often cause speakers to utter unnecessary fillers.



August 20, 2021

Second Special Event:

We enjoyed impromptu speeches in Zoom Immersive View.



July 27, 2021

First Special Event:

Our first special event initiated by a regular member, "Impromptu Speech with Confident - Getting to know you!" was held



July 6, 2021

Regular Meeting 9:

Installation Ceremony of the new club officers for the 2021-2022 program year.



June 30, 2021

End of the first program year as a charter club

We earned the President's Distinguished Club recognition, earning nine out of ten Distinguished Club Program points, an extremely rare feat for a club that was chartered in the latter half of a program year.


​June 29, 2021

Supplementary Meeting 4:

Voted favorably to increase the duration and frequency of our meetings. Starting in July, we will meet from 7:30 to 9:10 p.m. on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesday of the month.



May 11, 2021

Regular Meeting 5:

The first-ever officer election in the club's history.
Seven Toastmasters were elected as officers for the term July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022.



May 8, 2021

The Charter Ceremony



March 30, 2021

Supplementary Meeting 1:

Two guests decided to join us as members.



March 13, 2021

Area 63 Speech Contests:

Two of our members won first place in the Japanese and International Speech Contest and advanced to the Division F Speech Contest on Sunday, April 18.



March 2, 2021

The First Regular Meeting



February 21, 2021

Three members on District 76's weekly YouTube Live to discuss our journey to chartering



February 16, 2021

Club speech competition​ to select the members to represent the club in the Area 63 Speech Contests.



February 9, 2021

A charter has been granted as of January 24, 2021. Shin-Osaka Leaders Toastmasters Club is now a full-fledged Toastmasters club. We thank every single person who has helped us mark this milestone. We will strive to create the best climate for learning.


​​February 2, 2021

Demo meeting 33:

End of the 8-week meeting streak. This also marked the end of demonstration meetings to recruit charter members to launch the club.


January 26, 2021

Special event: Impromptu Speech Training-3:

An induction ceremony for six new members


January 19, 2021

Demo meeting 32:

Open House: Welcomed eight guests, five of whom decided to join us.


January 12, 2021

Demo meeting 31:

Two new members welcomed


January 5, 2021

Special event:

Public Speaking and Presentation Tips Funshop: Use Your Voice Effectively



December 22 & 29, 2020:

Special events:

Impromptu Speech Training


December 1, 2020

Demo meeting 29:

Evaluation Workshop


November 10, 2020

Demo meeting 27:

First meeting role completion among new members​


July 21, 2020

Demo meeting 20:

First Level 1 completion among new members


July 7, 2020

Demo meeting 19:

Start of a new program year​



Nov. 19, 2019

Demo meeting 4:

First new member welcomed


Oct. 8, 2019:

Demo meeting 1



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