Hide-chan place first and second in Area 65 Humorous Speech Contests

At Area 65 Humorous Speech Contests held on Feb. 12, 2022, one of our founders, Hide-chan (whose photo appears on the right, taken at a practice session on Feb. 8), placed first in the English Humorous Speech Contest and came in second in the Japanese Humorous Speech Contest, representing the Nishinomiya TGIF Toastmasters Club, which he also belongs to. He lost to another member of the same club in the Japanese contest, meaning that Area 65 will be represented by two members of the Nishinomiya TGIF Toastmasters Club at the next round of the contest cycle, Division F Humorous Speech Contests to be held on April 3.
Area 63, which Shin-Osaka Leaders belong to, will have its own Humorous Speech Contests on March 5. If our contestant is successful in winning the area contest, they will face off at the Division contest. Further information about the Area 63 Speech Contests is available at the dedicated website at https://sites.google.com/view/2022-area-63-contest-weekend/