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Division F Japanese Speech Contest, April 29, 2023 (Online)

Writer's picture: shinosakaleadersshinosakaleaders

Updated: May 4, 2023

Division Speech Contest

In Toastmasters, we have speech contests in addition to our club meetings. There are five different contest types, International, Humorous, Evaluation, Table Topics (impromptu speech), and Tall Tales. In District 76, encompassing the entire country of Japan, holds these contests in two languages, English and Japanese. Among the five types, International Speech Contest and its local language version, the Japanese Speech Contest, are held every year whereas other contest types are held once in four years with one contest type being held in turns.

All contests start at the club level. Each club decides their representative(s) to compete in the second round, the Area level. That round was held in March and the winners from each area in the same Division compete in the Division Contest, the third round. The winners of the Division level contests will proceed to the District Contest.

On April 29, Division F, which Shin-Osaka Leaders belong to, held its Japanese and International Speech Contest and Mariko competed in the Japanese Speech Contest, representing Shin-Osaka Leaders and Area F-3. (We normally practice speeches in English but the contests are open to all eligible Toastmasters in a paid club in the division, regardless of the language used in the club.)

It was a last-minute development. Originally, someone else from another club was supposed to represent Area F-3, but obviously that person withdrew his participation and the first runner-up, Mariko, was called upon to compete instead of him two days before the contest. Mariko took the challenge and delivered the best version of her speech "隣は何をする人ぞ" or literally translated as "What does your neighbor do?" It must have been a big challenge for Mariko because she didn't have enough time to prepare for the contest. Usually we prepare well delivering the speeches on several occasions before the contest day. She only had two days. Still, she practiced her speech the best she could and delivered it in a calm and sincere manner. Though it was a pity that she didn't place, the fact she took on the challenge itself is worth complimenting. Congratulations, Mariko!! We are all proud of her.

If you are interested in the Japanese and International Speech Contests at the District level, visit the dedicated website here.

Toastmastersではクラブのミーティングのほかにスピーチコンテストが行われています。種類はInternational、ユーモア、Table Topics(即興スピーチ)、論評(Evaluation)、Tall Talesの5種類。日本全体を網羅するDistrict 76では、これらのコンテストが英語と日本語で行われています。コンテストはクラブから始まり、クラブの代表がArea、Areaの代表がDivision、Divisionの代表がDistrictの大会に勝ち進むことになります。Internationalと日本語コンテストは毎年、それ以外の4種類は毎年1種類が順番に開催されています。

4月29日には、Shin-Osaka Leadersが所属するDivision Fで日本語スピーチコンテストとInternational Speech Contestが行われ、Shin-Osaka LeadersのMarikoがArea F-3を代表して日本語スピーチコンテストに出場しました。(Shin-Osaka Leadersは英語だけで活動しているクラブですが、コンテストでは出場資格のある会員は所属クラブの言語を問わずどちらの言語のコンテストにも出場できます)




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