One of our members appeared in two episodes of "Jayの英語スキルブースター"

One of our members, HIdeo, appeared in two episode of "Jayの英語スキルブースター," a podcast hosted by one of Japan's top TOEIC teachers and authors, Koji "Jay" Hayakawa.
In the first episode, Jay opened the show by asking Hideo to recite an excerpt from Former U.S. President Barack Obama's 2008 victory speech and asked questions about how Hideo learned English. The entire episode is devoted to learning English. However, in the second episode, they talked about something totally different, Toastmasters. Being a former Toastmaster himself, Jay asked questions about Hideo's experience in Toastmasters.
As we practice honing our communication and public speaking skills in English, being proficient in English is a big part. Though there are many many ways to go about learning a language, you might want to give it a listen.