Our very first meeting was held on October 8, 2019. It was a bit awkward yet fulfilling 90 minutes that we will cherish for a very long time.
We had our kick-off meeting in August and decided on the club name and roles each of the five founding members takes. We decided to hold the first demonstration meeting on a particular day, the second Tuesday of the month, not our regular first or third Tuesday because the venue was not available on the 1st of October and we did not want to wait too long before we started moving. Interestingly, it happened to be very close to the date that our sponsor club, the Nishinomiya TGIF Toastmasters Club had its first demonstration meeting, which took place on October 9, 2015.
The founding president Hideo Temma called the meeting to order with six members of Nishinomiya TGIF as supporters and two guests. Hideo, who also serves as the president of Nishinomiya TGIF, said he felt strange and awkward saying those words that he has been saying at every meeting at TGIF for over six months. That's because this is a whole new experience here. In Nishinomiya TGIF, everything is set and it's just a routine. Here, nothing is set; the club is not an official one, we only have five founding members, we use a newly designed agenda, the venue is different and we haven't decided on small things like where to place the copies of the agenda, comment sheets, and our mini-banner. Everything is different and new except for the words he was uttering.
The meeting started with a brief explanation of what Toastmasters is about, and moved on with two prepared speeches; one by our own and the other by a guest from Nihinomiya TGIF. After the Table Topics session, we had the honor of having the founding president of Nishinomiya TIGF preside over the Evaluation Session.
The meeting ended okay and we're glad that it is over and that we're on the right track moving forward.
