Three presenters and four participants from Shin-Osaka Leaders

In Toastmasters, each club is run mainly by seven officers and their committee members. Those officers are elected for a one-year term every year. That is why Club Officer Training (COT) sessions are offered twice every year.
In District 76, which covers Shin-Osaka Leaders, COTs are presented by each Division Council, a body of officers in charge of supporting clubs within the Division. A Division Council consists of the Division Director, Assistant Division Directors, and several Areal Directors, who support several clubs within the respective Areas.
You might be wondering what that has anything to do with Shin-Osaka Leaders. Well, it does because the Division Director and two of the Area Directors are members of our club. As explained in this entry, Hideo, the club's first president, serves as the Division C Director. In addition, Mariko, the club's current President, and Maho, its current Vice President of Education, serve as Area Directors. This means three members of Shin-Osaka Leaders were responsible for training club officers of the 25 clubs within Division C, which encompasses the entire Kansai region along with the Fukui and Tottori Toastmasters clubs.
They put in a lot of effort to present well-prepared training, which lasted four hours. Hideo took the lead in the first and last sessions, while Mariko and Maho took care of one officer breakout each in the second session when Hideo was in charge of another breakout. This was the first COT in four years, which included officer breakout sessions for each officer role. Up until last year, the officer breakout was offered as a single overall session without presentations devoted to individual officer roles. It was great to have those role-specific presentations back in place because new club officers were able to be better trained.
It was also great that six club officers including the two mentioned above participated in the COT to learn about their roles and have a good discussion on how to lead the club to success. They are ready to work with club members to take the club to the next level.