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Executive Committee Meeting, December 27, 2022 (Online)

Writer's picture: shinosakaleadersshinosakaleaders

Our last Executive Committee Meeting in 2022

The club officers held their last Executive Committee Meeting in the year 2022, their sixth this program year on December 27.

The Executive Committee consists of President, Vice President Education, Vice President Membership, Vice President Public Relations, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, and Immediate Past President. They are at the center of the club, which is run by EVERY ONE of us, contributing in our own capacity to make the club environment as good as it can be.

Four of them attended the meeting this time because some officers serve in multiple roles and some officers had other commitments. The participating officers covered their regular routine of discussing meeting feedback from members (to improve our meetings even further), reviewing our public relations activities, guest information, plans for upcoming meetings, and our progress on the Distinguished Club Program, a club recognition program of Toastmasters. We also reviewed our progress toward the visions and goals we set at the start of the program year. We are delighted to confirm we've made some solid progress on many fronts. We renewed our commitment to providing the best possible learning environment for the latter half of the program year.


12月27日に今年最後(今期6回目)の役員会を行いました。Toastmasters clubは、会長、教育担当副会長、会員担当副会長、広報担当副会長、書記、会計、会場係、前期会長からなる役員会を中心に全員で運営しています。

今回の役員会に出席したのは4人。複数の役職を兼務している役員と別の予定のあるの役員がいるため少な目ですね。毎回の役員会で確認している、ミーティングごとに集めている会員からのミーティングをよりよくするためのフィードバックについての話し合い、広報活動やゲストの情報についての確認、今後のミーティングの計画、クラブの充実度を測る目安のDistinguished Club Programの進捗状況の確認などを行うとともに、期初に立てたVisionやゴールの見直しをしました。多くの面で目標を達成できており後半もより充実したミーティングを重ねていく決意を新たにしました。


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