We focused on how to use our voice effectively.
There's no doubt that Steve Jobs was a great presenter. Yet, there was at least one speech he could have done differently. That's the commencement address he delivered at Stanford University in 2005. Yes, that popular one dubbed "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." Basically, what he did was to read the script, which in itself well-organized. Still, with more vocal variety, the speech should have had a lot more impact.
We learned different aspects of vocal variety, or how we use our voice. We did a lot of experiments, trying different ways to say exercise phrases and provide/receive feedback.
In the latter half of the "Funshop," we worked in small groups to incorporate some of the tips on vocal variety in our impromptu speeches. Topics were as follows:
1. Your most frightening experience. 2. Your most embarrassing moment. 3. Your most exciting experience. 4. Your most disappointing experience. 5. Your happiest moment.
That was truly a "Funshop."
We are thinking of holding other "Funshops" in our "Public Speaking and Presentation Tips Funshop" series. We'll keep you posted!
Steve Jobsが素晴らしいプレゼンをするというのは疑う余地がないでしょう。でも、彼がもっとうまくできなんじゃないかと思えるスピーチがあります。2005年のスタンフォード大学卒業式での祝辞です。そう。Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.と呼ばれる人気のスピーチ。基本的に、このスピーチは原稿を読み上げてるだけなんですよね。原稿自体はうまく構成されてるんですけど、もっと声の使い方を工夫すればもっとインパクトのあるスピーチになったはず。
本当に楽しいワークショップでした。今後も、Publich Speaking and Presentation Tips Funshopシリーズのワークショップを行っていきます。ご期待ください。