Evaluation and Feedback

"Evaluation and Feedback" is the name of a project in Level 1 of all the Paths in Pathways, Toastmasters' educational program. This is an important project through which new members learn how we learn at Toastmasters.
Toastmasters has four growth principles of Experiential learning, Peer feedback, Mentoring, and Self-paced program. The Evaluation and Feedback project is critically important in letting new members experience the whole process of receiving feedback, incorporating the feedback received, and providing feedback to others. That's right. This project is composed of three different tasks of delivering a speech and receiving feedback, delivering another speech incorporating the feedback received for the previous speech, and delivering an evaluation speech for another member.
At this particular meeting, Ayako, one of the new members, tried an evaluation speech as part of the Evaluation and Feedback project, and did a phenomenal job at that. Her analytical skills were superb and her suggestions for improvement were to the point. What's good about this project is that the member will receive feedback for their evaluation speech by another more experienced member. This time, Hideo commended Ayako on three things she did exceptionally and made a small encouraging suggestion, to take the evaluator role as many times as possible to get over her nervousness. What she did was already great. With more stage time, she will be more confident and with confidence, her evaluation speech will be more effective and powerful. We take the stage and get more comfortable with anything we do. We learn by doing in Toastmasters.

Toastmastersの教育プログラムには、Evaluation and Feedbackというプロジェクトがあります。これはToastmastersが掲げる4つのGrowth principles(経験を通して学ぶ、仲間からのフィードバック、メンタリング、各自のペースで学ぶプログラム)の1つである、仲間からのフィードバックを通して学ぶプロセスを一通り経験するもので、非常に大切なプロジェクトです。このプロジェクトは、スピーチをしてフィードバックを受ける、もらったフィードバックを取り入れてスピーチをする、他のメンバーのスピーチにフィードバックをするという3つのタスクから成り立っており、今回はAyakoが3つ目のタスク(他のメンバーへのフィードバック)に挑戦しました。彼女は初めてとは思えない的を射たevaluation speechを披露してくれました。このプロジェクトの良いところは、evaluation speechに対してより経験の長いメンバーからフィードバックを貰えるところ。今回はHideoがAyakoのevaluation speechの良かった点を3つ挙げ、緊張を克服するためにどんどんevaluatorにトライするようにというシンプルな提案だけを提示しました。すでに素晴らしいevaluation speechができているAyako。場数を踏んで自信をつければ、evaluation speechがより効果的で力強くなるはず。Toastmastersでは実際にやってみることで学んでいくわけですからね。