A great start for 2022
This was our first meeting in 2022 and we made a great start with 14 members attending. We had a special session, "New Year Resolutions," where members and guests shared their goals for the new year. It is always stimulating to know what kind of goals our fellow members have.

In our regular program, we listened to three prepared speeches, three Table Topics (impromptu) speeches, and three evaluation speeches. In the prepared speech session, two out of three were based on a Level-5 project from Pathways, the Toastmasters educational program. The majority of projects in Level 5 require members to lead a team and complete a project, which sometimes spans a couple of months. This is one of many ways we hone our leadership skills and public speaking skills at the same time. We have several members working on those Level 5 projects and listening to their experiences is motivating as well as helpful.

We enjoyed three Table Topics speeches and three evaluation speeches as usual and the meeting ended with a positive tone.
We look forward to working with all our members in 2022 with the club vision: Shin-Osaka Leaders Toastmasters Club is a vehicle that growth-oriented people proactively utilize for their personal development as communicators and leaders.