Our first new member this program year!

At the beginning of this meeting, we celebrated a new member joining us in an "Induction Ceremony." She is the first we welcomed in this program year. Congratulations on your decision to join us. We look forward to working with you in the months and years to come!!
Our second Speech Competition
In the educational portion of the meeting, we held our second "Speech Competition" to select members to represent the club in the "Area 63 International Speech Contest." In Toastmasters, we hold the International Speech Contest once a year and successful contestants move up the ladder from Club to Area to Division to District. Then the videos of District champions will be judged at the Region Quarter-finals to select those competing at the Semi-finals at the "World Convention" in August. The first two contestants from four Semi-finals will compete for the honor of the World Champion of Public Speaking.
The contest cycle starts at the club level and we held a quasi-contest event called "Speech Competition." We listened to the speeches by members and everyone except competition officials and some newer members tried serving as judges using the official judge's ballot. After the speeches and voting, we had an interview session and then gave feedback to speakers in breakout rooms. This proved to be very educational because it provided not only the speakers but also all the participants a chance to hear what other members thought about the speeches. Some members gave analytical feedback while others paid special attention to certain aspects of the speeches. Each and every participant had their own perspective and knowing other perspectives is always educational to all.
Two speakers, Mit and Eileen, will compete at the Area 63 International Speech Contest on Sunday, March 6. Congratulations!! We will post information about the Area 63 Contest once it's available. Stay tuned!