Aim high. Don't be complacent.

At Shin-Osaka Leaders, we collect feedback on each meeting from members and guests. One entry for this meeting was so typical of us that we would like to share it with you. It tells us that it is the day-to-day efforts of each and every member that set us apart. We want to aim high. We don't want to be complacent with who we are.
Here's the entry: - As Toastmaster of the Day, I should’ve organized and given more time for speakers to check the mic settings and everything they need to prepare for speaking before 19:30. Also, the URL list for comment forms/meeting feedback which I shared in the chatbox didn’t work and it might have caused a distraction to focus on listening to the speakers for some members. I’m sorry. IPP Hideo helped me with both of the points above which I failed. I really appreciate his initiative to urge everyone to check the mic before the meeting and to post the correct list of URL Links when I failed. I'd like to follow his example and expand beyond my role's responsibilities to be supportive of others when those things happen to other members.
- To prepare for delivering a speech/project in a meeting, going through again "the Project Checklist" (PDF) provided in Base Camp would be helpful for us to check if we don’t miss anything before the speech/project.
- In Pathways Level 4 and Level 5, especially in electives projects, the requirements and the assignments have quite a variety, and sometimes the assignment itself seems complicated to understand. So, especially from Level4, 5, I think we might want to communicate more with our reliable VPE Mit, or our mentors if we have anything unclear in mind.
- Not only Timer or Toastmaster of the Day, but also all the members might want to have a habit to read page 2 of the agenda where all the project purposes and timing rules are written. It always varies according to the speeches' requirements. Before the meeting, Hideo mentioned it could be one idea for us to change the format of the agenda and make it easy to understand for everyone. For the time being, I think reading page 2 is necessary for all the members.
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