Path Completion!!

This meeting was another jubilant one. We not only had some members making debut in their new roles, but also witnessed a member completing her first Path, a course in our education program "Pathways."
Yuki joined us in April 2021 and completed her first Path of Visionary Communication in as quickly as just a little over a year. Quite an accomplishment! Congratulations, Yuki!! In her last speech of the Path, "Reflect on Your Path," she chronicled her journey as a Toastmaster. It's always refreshing to listen to a member talking about their journey in Toastmasters. This was especially so because she has made the best use of the opportunities available in Toastmasters. Her speech must have inspired and motivated other members.
Some members made their debut in their new role, the first of whom is Luting, who made her very first speech in Toastmasters, the Ice Breaker speech. Congratulations, Luting! Urara made her debut as the Topicsmaster, the facilitator of the able Topics Session Last but not least, Maya took on the role f the Web Writer. She described this meeting in her own way and it is available on our Facebook page. Go check what she's put together hrere.