Welcome to Shin-Osaka Leaders!!

This was a special meeting in that we welcomed a new member, Ayako, in a formal "Induction Ceremony," to our club.
Ayako went on to take her first functionary role in Toastmasters journey, Ah-Counter and made an auspicious debut providing detailed feedback on unnecessary and ineffective utterances.
We also welcomed three energetic guests, one former Toastmasters member and two people new to Toastmasters. Why are they energetic? Well, the former Toastmaster guest volunteered to speak in the Table Topics session and the two others joined him later on when called upon to do so. They proactively joined our meeting and seemed to enjoy the meeting to the fullest.
Just as our Club Vision says, "Shin-Osaka Leaders Toastmasters Club is a vehicle that growth-oriented people proactively utilize for their personal development as communicators and leaders." Their proactivity was a big welcome. Nowadays, some of our own members have been extremely busy with work and other things, making it difficult to join our meetings. "What a pity!" We hope the enthusiasm those guests brought with them has reminded us to be more proactive. In Toastmasters, the more engaged, the more benefit. Hopefully, more members become more proactive and utilize the opportunities provided to the fullest extent.