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Writer's pictureshinosakaleaders

Regular Meeting 51, Jan. 10, 2023 (Hybrid)

Young speakers

This meeting featured young speakers, meaninig all of them working on Level 1 projects. In Toastmasters, we deliver speeches based on projects provided in the online material called "Pathways," where projects are divided into five differnent levels, one from five. This time, all speakers were relatively new and the first speaker delivered his "Ice Breaker" speech, the first speech of self-introduction every Toastmaster deliver after joining Toastmasters. We all enjoyed it. It's always great to welcome a new member.

今回のミーティングの目玉はフレッシュなメンバーのスピーチでした。3人ともがToastmastersの教育プログラム「Pathways」の5つあるレベルのうち最初のLevel 1のプロジェクトに取り組んでおり、そのうちの1人は、すべてのToastmasterが入会後に行う最初の自己紹介のスピーチ、Ice Breakerを披露してくれました。新しいメンバーを迎えるのはいつも嬉しいことですね。

we were also delighted to welcome four guests, including one Toastmasters guest. Welcoming a Toastmasters guest from time to time is refreshing and it is a great opportunity to hear what they thought about our meeting. We do take pride in what we do, but there's always something to improve on. A visit by a Toastmaster guest is a great opportunity to hear their thoughts about our meeting, reflect on what we do, and try to perfect our meetings.


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