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Regular Meeting 56, March 7, 2023 (Hybrid)

Writer's picture: shinosakaleadersshinosakaleaders

Updated: Apr 5, 2023

Ice Breakers

Ice Breakers means, in Toastmasters, the first speech a new Toastmaster delivers before the club, introducing themselves.

Ice BreakerとはToastmastersに入って最初にするスピーチのことで、自己紹介をするとともにパブリックスピーキングに関しての現在地を確認するのが目的です。

At this particular meeting, we listened to two Ice Breaker speeches. Sweet delivered a speech titled "Where I am Today" talking about the support she received from "someone special" and her intention to pay it forward. Tonette's speech, "Give it a Try," was about her give-it-a-try spirit, touching upon her experience learning the English language.

今回はそのIce Breakerスピーチが2つ! Sweet と Tonette の"Where I am Today"と "Give it a Tray"というタイトルのスピーチはそれぞれこれまでの経験を踏まえて、前向きに将来に向かう姿を紹介してくれました。

We also welcomed another new member, Kevin, who is going to deliver his Ice Breaker speech in April. Even though he is not entirely new to Toastmasters, he had left Toastmasters before our current educational program "Pathways" was launched, and is new to Shin-Osaka Leaders. We look forward to listening to his Ice Breaker.

今回は新たにKevinを会員として迎え入れました。彼のIce Breakerは4月の予定。彼は昔、Toastmastersにいましたが、現在の教育プログラムPathwaysが導入される前でShin-Osaka Leadersには初の参加。Ice Breakerを聞くのが楽しみです。

We are fortunate to have so many enthusiastic members willing to deliver speeches and take on new roles from seven different countries, embodying our club vision of "Shin-Osaka Leaders Toastmasters Club is a vehicle that growth-oriented people proactively utilize for their personal development as communicators and leaders."

Shin-Osaka Leadersには、7カ国出身からクラブのビジョン"Shin-Osaka Leaders Toastmasters Club is a vehicle that growth-oriented people proactively utilize for their personal development as communicators and leaders."を体現するようなやる気のあるメンバーが集まってくれていて嬉しいことです。


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