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Regular Meeting 58, April 4, 2023 (Hybrid)

Writer's picture: shinosakaleadersshinosakaleaders

Members making debuts!

As we've welcomed ten new members so far in this program year (from July 2022 to June 2023), those new members are making debuts in various roles one after another. Shown on the photo are only two examples out of many making debut in a new role in this meeting.

Dashe and Izz made their debut as Grammarian and Ah-Counter, respectively and did a wonderful job making detailed reports. Tonette served as Topicsmaster, the facilitator of the Table Topics session, and came up with over a dozen topics for impromtu speeches. Lijani and Sweet took on the role of the View Manager and Mute Manager, pivotal roles to create an environment for participants to focus on the speeches. Sweet helped us with the votings of of the Best Speaker and other awards as Vote Counter for the first time. Behind the scene was Anh, who made her debut as a mentor. Toastmasters clubs assign more experienced members as a mentor to new member, and being a relatively new member herself, Anh has agreed to serve as a mentor to Izz. She communicated with Izz beforehand and guided her with her Ah-Counter debut. Congratulations, all, for taking on the challenge and accomplishing your tasks beautifully!!

Announcement of officer candidates for the next program year

At the business session at the end, Immediate Past President Maho made announcements of the officer candidates to serve in the next program year. Instead of solemnly announcing the candidates, she did something peculiar. She prepared some instruments and made the announcements with fanfare! This is a totally new way of announcing the nominees and we all enjoyed the festive mood. Great creativity, Maho.


今年度(2022年7月から2023年6月)に入ってからすでに10人の新会員を迎えたShin-Osaka Leaders。彼らのミーティングロールデビューの波が止まりません。今回も多くのメンバーが新しいロールにトライしました。DasheがGrammarian、IzzがAh-Counterとして詳しい報告をしてくれ、TopicsmasterのTonetteは10を超えるトピックを用意してくれました。LijaniとSweetはView ManagerとMute Managerというハイブリッドミーティングで参加者が集中して参加できる環境を支える役目を初めて担当してくれました。SweetはBest Speaker などの投票を管理するVote Counterにも初挑戦でした。陰に隠れたところでは、Anhがメンターとしてデビュー。Toastmasters clubでは新会員により経験のある会員がメンターとしてサポートします。Anh自身、比較的Toastmasters歴が浅い会員なんですが、Izzのメンターとしてサポートを引き受けてくれ、今回のAh-Counterのために事前にサポートをしてくれてました。みんな素晴らしいデビューを飾りました。


ミーティングの最後のBusiness Sessionでは来期の役員候補が発表されましたが、担当した前期会長(Immediate Past President)のMahoが変わった方法で発表してくれました。厳かな感じではなく、楽器を使っての華々しい発表。とても楽しい雰囲気の発表で笑顔があふれました。



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