Members making debuts at beginning of program year!

The meeting on July 4 marked the very first one in the 2023-2024 program year. What stood out in the meeting was the fact that four members made a stellar debut in their respective roles.
First of all, Miguel, who just joined us debuted as the Ah-Counter and delivered an extremely detailed report on how many fillers each speaker uttered during their appearances as speakers, Table Topics speakers, evaluators, functionary role takers, Topicsmaster, Toastmaster of the Day, and General Evaluator.
Next up is Tonette, who served as Timer for the first time. This is a relatively busy role because she is expected to time every speech (Prepared, Table Topics, and Evaluation) and report how long each participant spoke right after each session. Tonette did just that.
Lijani took the role of the Topicsmaster, who facilitates the Table Topics session. She prepared many thought-provoking topics like "Recall an instance when someone played the devil's advocate." She skillfully facilitated the session calling on seven participants.
The last person who made her debut was Luting, who took on the role of the General Evaluator. The General Evaluator is responsible for providing feedback on everything that happened in the meeting including speech evaluations. This requires a lot of effort. They have to keep focused on everything that happens in the meeting. To provide meaningful evaluations of the evaluation speeches, they need to pay full attention to the prepared speeches the evaluation speeches are based on. They need to be observant of the performances of every role-taker. Luting demonstrated how attentive a lister she is, providing a thorough general evaluation.
In Toastmasters meetings, members serve in many different roles as we support each other in securing an effective learning environment for ourselves. This means it is of great help for new members to learn how to serve in those different roles as soon as possible. We are really fortunate to have these new members who are eager to try and learn something new quickly. Thank you, all, and congratulations on your successful debut in your new roles!