Spectacular Debut!

We saw another new member making her debut as the Toastmaster of the Day, responsible for planning, leading, and facilitating the education portion of our meeting. It was Junko who debuted as the Toastmaster of the Day and demonstrated an exceptional performance from the preparation stage to the smooth facilitation of the meeting. She claims to be an introvert but showed off her presence in introducing the speakers and other role-takers.
Creative use of the meeting time
The club officers demonstrated their creativity when a speaker had to cancel her attendance due to an urgent business. The absence meant we had approximately 13 extra minutes. We would normally extend the Table Topics Session to utilize the extra time but the officers introduced something called "Your Takeaway from Today's Meeting," where all the participants took turns talking about one thing that they wanted to share that they learned during the meeting. We took turns each speaking somewhere between 30 seconds to one minute. It was fun and interesting to know what other members thought was important.
