The Art of Giving Feedback - Evaluation Workshop
This Special Event focused on our skills in giving feedback in the form of evaluation speeches, which is a regular occurrence in Toastmasters. We learn by giving speeches, giving and receiving feedback. I am quite happy to say that I learned new insights in giving evaluation speeches through Mit's presentation and discussions with members in breakout sessions. I'm especially happy about it because I have presented dozens of workshop both in Toastmasters and professionally, including over ten on evaluation speeches myself.

Mit shared his expertise as a seasoned evaluator acquired through his nearly ten years as a Toastmaster and demonstrated how well he can put his ideas in a easy-to-grasp way for the audience members to absorb. The participating members all agreed that they learned how to prepare and deliver their evaluation speeches in a more supportive, constructive, and effective way. This is especially important because the art of providing feedback is so relevant in our daily life as well as at work.
This was a great meeting that proved that Shin-Osaka Leaders has another excellent presenter that enlighten members on a subject matter relevant in Toastmasters and in real life alike. If you are interested in knowing how to be an effective communicator capable of providing suggestions and feedback in a positive way, give us a visit and learn the art together with us. You can contact us HERE.
(Reported by Hideo Temma, Founding President)