Second special event with Nishinomiya TGIF Toastmasters Club

We held the second special event with Nishinomiya TGIF Toastmasters Club, focused on Table Topics (impromptu speech) and the Grammarian role. Table Topics is an opportunity to practice impromptu speaking, which is more common than prepared speech in our daily life. With virtually no time to prepare, many members find it more challenging than delivering a prepared speech. That is why HIde-chan, the founder and Vice President Education of SOL, who also serves as Vice President Membership of Nishinomiya TGIF, invited members of both clubs to this special practice session.
This time, we also practiced serving in the Grammarian role, which a lot of inexperienced members find intimidating, partly because of its name, "Grammarian." Though it is called Grammarian, we are not expected to be a linguist. This is the person who pays close attention to the language use of everyone who speaks in the meeting. Though a significant part of their reports will be dedicated to grammatical errors and mistakes, they also pay attention to descriptive and effective language including good choice of words, metaphors, and other rhetorical devices.
We not only enjoyed practicing these two challenges, but also appreciated friendship among us. Two members of Shin-Osaka Leaders, Yuki and Anh, had this precious opportunity to meet two members of Nishinomiya TGIF, Yukari and Natsuko. Hideo means to host this series of practice sessions in the months to come. Since this is members only in nature, if you are interested, consider joining us as a member. You can start from visiting one of our meetings by contacting us via the online form here.