The Last Officer Elected!

This was a memorable meeting in that we finally elected the last club officer for the next term. As we introduced in this article, any Toastmasters club is run primarily by seven "club officers." Yet, after the then-Treasurer nominee had to decline his nomination, we have been searching for a new candidate for the Treasurer position.
After the 33rd Regular Meeting, where we once again solicited volunteers, Kohei showed interest in the position and after a briefing session with the president-elect Yuki, he officially decided to accept the nomination. Thus, we held the officer election at the end of this meeting, and we finally welcomed all seven officers-elect.
The rest of the officers, President-elect Yuki, Vice President Education-elect Hideo, Vice President Membership-elect Mariko, Vice President Public Relations-elect Pan, Secretary-elect Chiemi, and Sergeant-at-Arms-elect Maya, have been preparing for their respective roles in full swing. Going forward, we will be recruiting members to the four standing committees (Yes, we run our club by ourselves, and members are encouraged to join standing committees.) We will work hard, while having fun, to move the club forward.

One member, "U," demonstrated such commitment during the meeting. She took this photo of our president in action. President Maho has always brought her camera to the venue to take photos, but everybody else has been too busy with their own things and unable to take her photo. "U" took the initiative and took this photo of Maho. Thank you, "U"!! We appreciate your considerate actions!
On the educational aspect of the meeting, we had three speakers. The first speaker, Mit, who has served as Vice President Education, thanked the outgoing President Maho in detail. The second speaker, Hideo, the incoming Vice President Education, talked about some of the changes to be incorporated in the next term. The third speaker, Maho, the president, thanked each and every member for their contributions to the club over the last year.
We will be seeing some changes in management and procedures, but what set us apart will remain in the next term, and we look forward to more of our educational meetings moving forward!